Questions to UFOs and Aliens part 2
Well passer-by though the Bible did not mention anything about Aliens or UFOs BUT the Bible gives us no reason to believe that there is life elsewhere in the universe. In fact, the Bible gives us several key reasons why there cannot be. Yes, there are many strange and unexplainable things that take place. There is no reason, though, to attribute these phenomena to aliens or UFOs. If there is a discernable cause to these supposed events, it is likely spiritual, and more specifically, demonic in origin.
But still the Bible says tht the earth, and mankind, are unique in God's creation. Genesis 1 teaches that God created the earth before He even created the sun, the moon, or the stars. Acts 17:24, 26 states that "God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth,… has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings."
So you see after creation, God says He saw everything tht He had made was very good. (Genesis 1:31). Until the Adam and Eve sinned thats where problems of all sorts, sickness, and death comes in. Even though animals have no personal sin before God (they are not moral beings) they nevertheless suffer and even die (Romans 8:19-22). Jesus Christ died to remove the punishment that we deserve for our sin. When He returns, He will undo many aspects of the curse that has existed since Adam, and ultimately He will remove all aspects of the curse (Revelation 21-22). Note that Romans 8:19-22 states that all of creation eagerly waits for this time! It's important to also note that Christ came to earth to die, that He came to earth to die for mankind, and that He died only once (Hebrews 7:27; 9:26-28; 10:10).
So you see God created the earth and mankind unique, all of creation suffered as a result of the fall of man. Christ came to earth to offer Himself once and only once to pay for our sins. Not only will believers be delivered, but all of creation will be delivered as well.
And if all of creation suffers, that means that any life apart from earth would also suffer. If, for the sake of argument, there exists moral beings on other planets, then they also suffer; and if not now, then someday they will surely suffer when everything will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat (2 Peter 3:10). If they had never sinned, then God would be unjust to punish them; but if they had sinned, and Christ could die only once (which He did on earth) then they are left in their sin, which would also be against the character of God (2 Peter 3:9). This leaves us with an unsolvable paradox . . . unless, of course, there are no moral beings outside of earth.
Well passer-by hoped I had given you a satisfactory answer anyway thanks for visiting this site and May God bless You and your family Amen! ! !
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