To God be the Glory FOREVER, AMEN AND AMEN! ! !

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

When Hudson Taylor arrived in Shanghai, China in 1854, the city was under attack from rebels. Chinese regarded Westerners as “foreign devils” and did not allow them into the interior of the country. Taylor had failed to finish medical training, knew no Chinese, and was the first missionary in a new nondenominational society. Undeterred, he studied the language and culture and defied the government by taking the gospel inland. He also adopted Chinese dress and customs so that more people would listen to his message. Before he died, Hudson Taylor had succeeded in spreading the gospel into many unreached areas of China!

“God so loved the world” (John 3:16)—throughout Scripture and history we see God's global plan of salvation at work. As a result of Jesus' suffering, death, and resurrection, He extends an invitation (55:1-5) to all who are spiritually hungry to eat the Bread of Life and to all who are spiritually thirsty to drink the Living Water, and through them to be satisfied. They're a free gift. They're supremely satisfying, the “richest of fare.” They bring eternal life and show God's everlasting covenant love.

And so the Servant's mission brings us back again to God's covenant relationship with His people: “Your Maker is your husband” (54:5). The punishment of conquest and exile is temporary, whereas His covenant love is eternal (54:10). He's merciful and forgiving, a caring shepherd who gives His people joy and peace. He's also the divine Sovereign whose word means it's as good as done (55:6-13).

After the unexpected Messiah accomplished His unexpected mission, He will also fulfill the more expected purpose of coming in power. This prophetic timeline involves two separate Comings, in between which we're living. A new Jerusalem is still in the future, a city dominated by justice, righteousness, and intimacy with God. Even now, we're to be pursuing kingdom values until the King returns (56:1-8).