To God be the Glory FOREVER, AMEN AND AMEN! ! !: 2 Kings 23:3

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

2 Kings 23:3

In May of 2001, English evangelist J. John spoke in Liverpool, England, on the eighth commandment: “You shall not steal” (Ex. 20:15; Deut. 5:19). The results of his preaching were dramatic.

People’s hearts were changed. One author reports that large amounts of stolen goods were returned, including hotel towels, hospital crutches, library books, cash, and more. One man, who is now in the ministry, even returned towels he had taken from the Wimbledon tennis championships years ago when he worked there.

Something similar happened with King Josiah in the 18th year of his reign. Because of the long line of evil kings, the record of God’s laws had been lost. So when Hilkiah found God’s law and Shaphan read it to King Josiah, the king tore his clothes in grief and immediately began making religious reforms in his own life and throughout the nation. With just one reading of God’s Word, he changed the course of the nation (2 Kings 22:8–23:25).

Today, many of us own Bibles, but are we changed by the truths found there? We are called to read, hear, and obey His Word. It should cause us, like Josiah, to take immediate action to bring our lives into harmony with God’s desires. Open your Bible prayerfully; read it carefully; obey it joyfully.