To God be the Glory FOREVER, AMEN AND AMEN! ! !: 1 Kings 19:12

Monday, September 3, 2007

1 Kings 19:12

In recent years, the spread of personal digital music players has resulted in concerns about hearing loss. The design of the music players and their earphones has been the target of complaints and lawsuits. Long-term exposure to music at a high volume has been shown to cause serious hearing impairment. In a sense, too much hearing can result in an inability to hear.

We live in a world filled with noise—noises designed to sell, plead, seduce, and deceive. In the midst of this cacophony of sound, it’s easy to miss the one voice that matters most.

Elijah had listened to Jezebel’s threats and the voice of his own fear, so he fled to a cave to hide. In the cave he was confronted with the overwhelming noise of wind, an earthquake, and fire (1 Kings 19:11-12). Then the cave grew silent and the voice of the Lord—the only sound that mattered—broke through as “a still small voice” (v.12).

If we are to hear God speaking to our hearts through His Word, we need to pull away from the noise of the crowd. Only when we learn to be quiet can we really understand what it means to commune with the God who cares for us.

In our “quiet time” today, let’s make an effort to listen for the voice of God. To hear God’s voice, turn down the world’s volume.