To God be the Glory FOREVER, AMEN AND AMEN! ! !: Proverbs 17:22

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Proverbs 17:22

A judge has ordered a German man to stop bursting into laughter in the woods. Joachim Bahrenfeld, an accountant, was taken to court by one of several joggers who say their runs have been disturbed by Bahrenfeld’s deafening squeals of joy. He faces up to 6 months in jail if he is caught again. Bahrenfeld, 54, says he goes to the woods to laugh nearly every day to relieve stress. "It is part of living for me," he says, "like eating, drinking, and breathing." He feels that a cheerful heart, expressed through hearty laughter, is important to his health and survival.

A cheerful heart is vital in life. Proverbs 17:22 says, "A merry heart does good, like medicine." A happy heart affects our spirit and our physical health.

But there is a deeper, abiding joy for those who trust the Lord that is based on much more than frivolity and circumstances. It is a joy based on God’s salvation. He has provided forgiveness of sin and a restored relationship with Himself through His Son Jesus. That gives us a deep joy which circumstances cannot shake (Ps. 126:2-3; Hab. 3:17-18; Phil. 4:7).

May you experience the joy of knowing Jesus Christ today! Joy comes from the Lord who lives in us, not from what’s happening around us.