To God be the Glory FOREVER, AMEN AND AMEN! ! !: Jesus’ Difficult Words

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Jesus’ Difficult Words

From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more. —John 6:66

Recently, a company advertised a “huggable, washable, and talking” Jesus doll that recites “actual Scripture verses to introduce children of all ages to the wisdom of the Bible.” Its sayings include, “I have an exciting plan for your life,” and “Your life matters so much to Me.” Who wouldn’t want to follow a Jesus like this?

Jesus does offer a wonderful plan for our lives. But He doesn’t serve as a cosmic genie or cuddly doll to meet our every whim. John 6 gives us a picture of a Jesus who is not so cuddly—in fact, He’s often offensive. Instead of fulfilling the selfish desires of His followers, He disturbed their expectations. He offered Himself as spiritual bread from heaven and said, “Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life” (v.54).

This message was offensive and difficult. The image of eating flesh and drinking blood did not give His hearers “warm fuzzies.” Many stopped following Him (v.66). He wasn’t the conquering Messiah-King they had expected.

Sometimes we want a Jesus who meets our selfish needs. But the wonderful life He offers is found only in radical obedience to His commands. Let’s ask Jesus to show us what His words mean, and for the courage to act on His truth.

“We love You, Lord Jesus,” we often may say,
But are we as ready His will to obey?
Let’s heed what God’s Spirit would have us to do,
For that’s how we show Him a love that is true.

The way of Jesus is not always easy.