What Changed?
Jesus put a damper on His own party. On Sunday, He entered Jerusalem as the triumphant king, welcomed into the city by throngs of worshipers shouting, “Hosanna!” and honoring Him by waving palm branches. The healer of the sick and the giver of great wisdom had come, and the masses adored Him.
What went wrong that week? What changed the “Hosannas” to “Crucify Him”? It started to go bad when Jesus told the people what they didn’t want to hear. Look at what He did. He threw the money changers out of the temple area (Matt. 21:12). He taught that tax collectors and prostitutes could enter the kingdom of heaven before the religious (21:31). He told the people to pay taxes (22:21). Then He pronounced a series of woes against the religious leaders: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees” (23:13-31).
But this is Jesus. The righteous One. The only perfect Man. God in the flesh. He was not in town for a popularity contest. His task was to proclaim the truth and provide salvation. And it cost Him His life.
For all my sins were Thine;
Thy death hath bought of God my peace,
Thy life hath made Him mine.
The nail-pierced hands of Jesus reveal the love-filled heart of God.
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