Why do innocent people have to suffer part 2
Thank you Eric. Well, you may still have questions like if God is all-powerful so that He could prohibit sin, amd all-loving so that he doesn't want to harm people, then why does He allow sin right?
Well, I am sure you have two alternatives. Either God is not all-powerful, or His motives are not all pure, yet the answer is that God is all-powerful and He is all-loving.
To be tempted is not the same as sinning. God created Adam and Eve to be free so that they could worship Him freely. God did not want coerced worship; He wanted authentic worship. So God gave Adam and Eve a free will to worship Him. If they were forced to worship God, it would not have been authentic worship right, so that is not true freedom.
For Adam and Eve to be free, they had to have the ability to both reject God and worship him freely. Adam and Eve fully understood what God expected of them. And if they had never been tempted concerning their loyalty to God, they would have remained in immaturity, God did not give them an arbitary insignificant demand. God said they could eat from all the trees in the garden except "the tree of knowledge of good and evil." This tree was the only one that they could eat from. If the fruit of this tree in the midst of the Garden were the only available thing to eat, then God would have been guility of coercion to sin. But God created all of the trees and said they could eat freely of all of them except the one in the middle of the Garden. Since sin is an act, attitude, or response toward God, Adam and Eve sinned by denying God's rulership over them and going contrary to the one and only thing that He requested.
So the answer is: God allowed Adam and Eve to sin because freedom was a requisite for authentic worship of God. God gave human beings the freedom to either worship Him or reject him.
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