To God be the Glory FOREVER, AMEN AND AMEN! ! !

Saturday, June 30, 2007

The prophecies of Isaiah have given us a panoramic picture of the story of faith and of God's salvation plan for history. This includes His compassionate judgment on Israel's faithlessness, the special commissioning of His Servant to bring redemption, and the breathtaking glory of His coming kingdom. Our journey through Isaiah's prophecies has included judgment and mercy, idolatry and worship, despair and hope. What can we take away from today's final reading? Joy in the destination of faith's journey!

We're headed for a new heavens and a new earth. Things that characterize life in this fallen world will be no more, including pain, grief, infant mortality, the trials of old age, economic hardship, and violence. Instead, God's kingdom will be a place of peace, safety, prosperity, eternal life, and close fellowship with Him (65:17-25).

But the truth is that the destination of faith's journey is not so much a place as a Person, God Himself. When Paul spoke of pressing on toward the prize, he had in mind Christ Himself (Phil. 3:12-14). In the same way, Isaiah exalted the Lord as the unsurpassed sovereign Creator of all, who, while being a scourging fire to His foes, is at the same time a tender mother to His children (66:13). As God's people, we need to respond in humility, reverence, and absolute faith. What God has promised, will certainly take placeā€”it's a done deal. In the meantime, we follow in the footsteps of our Savior and make His glory known among the nations.

God's covenant relationship with His people is first and foremost about His unfailing love. Though people may be obstinate and disobedient, a remnant will be saved, and through them, a Servant Messiah has brought and will bring hope and healing to the nations.