Philippians 1:3
On a cold, dreary November day, I attended the funeral of a friend. During the eulogy, the widow began to sob loudly. At that point, the pastor spoke odd words meant to comfort: “That’s okay. Someday you’ll be able to forget.”
Able to forget? The widow’s expression made it clear that she had no desire to forget. Cherished memories of her husband provided a comfort and joy she intended to cling to, anticipating a heavenly reunion someday.
One of the most precious gifts God has given us is the ability to remember. There are plenty of hurts and disappointments in life that we should forget. But good memories become a treasure chest of priceless reminders of relationships shared and joys experienced.
Paul felt that way about his time spent with the church in Philippi: “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you” (Phil. 1:3). His ability to remember his friends in Philippi brought him great comfort as he awaited trial in Rome, prompting him to joyfully pray for them. You could never have convinced him that comfort was found in being able to forget, because he rejoiced in being able to remember.
God gives us cherished memories. Cling to them when sorrows come. Never let today’s burden erase yesterday’s blessing.
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