To God be the Glory FOREVER, AMEN AND AMEN! ! !: Ephesians 5:25

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Ephesians 5:25

People around the world reacted with shock in September 2006 when news broke that Steve Irwin, the “Crocodile Hunter,” had died. His enthusiasm for life and for God’s creatures was contagious, making him a favorite personality worldwide.

When his wife Terri was interviewed shortly after Steve’s death, her love for him was obvious as she said through her tears, “I’ve lost my prince.” What an affectionate way to memorialize her husband! She saw him as her prince and her best friend.

The husband-wife relationship is often viewed today as anything but the tender one Terri and Steve must have shared. We see bitterness, insults, and animosity presented in the media as the norm. How much more desirable it is to see true love—to see a husband unashamedly cherish his wife, to unselfishly be her “prince.”

How can a husband continue to love his wife in a more princely way? Try these suggestions: Listen—enjoy those tender times when she can unburden her heart without fear. Love life—find ways to add fun to your marriage. Lead spiritually—guide the way into prayer and intimate fellowship with the Lord.

Men, be a prince to your princess. Marriage thrives in a climate of love and respect.